
Dan Worley, Chairman
(717) 528-4767

Woody Myers, Supervisor
(717) 514-3978

Jen Marinacci, Secretary & Open Records Officer
Roxane Pace, Treasurer
Phone: (717) 528-4614
Fax: (717) 528-8281

     Latimore Township Board of Supervisors
     559 Old US Route 15
     York Springs, PA 17372

Pennsylvania Office of Open Records
Office of Open Records
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, 4th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225
Phone: (717) 346-9903

Road Department
Phone: (717) 528-7013

Latimore Township Police Department
Phone: (717) 528-4121

David Reever, EMA Director
Phone: (717) 528-8872

Susan Gragg, Tax Collector
Phone: (717) 528-8390

John Shambaugh, Sewage Enforcement Officer/Zoning Officer/Engineer
(717) 512-8434

James Zerfing
Middle Department Inspection Agency
3901 Hartzdale Dr., Suite 112
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Phone: (717) 761-5340
Cell: (717) 873-7442

David A. Jones II, Solicitor
221 W. Philadelphia St., Suite 600
York, PA 17401
Phone: (717) 849-4128